Il Diario dei lavori è stato il seguente:.
at Via della Lungara n. 81/C, with valid photo ID)
Welcome by BG Salvatore Gagliano, Professor,
College of International Security Studies, Marshall Center
Coordinated by Mr. Randy Karpinen,
Marshall Center Alumni Office.
Prof. Thomas Wingfield, Marshall Center
* together with IASD course
12:00 - 12:10 Group photo; alumni, faculty and staff
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch – Sala Convegno Sottufficiali Lungara
(pay for yourself ~25.00€)
- 15:30 Sala Montezemolo Lecture,
“Central Asia after ISAF transition:
Regional challenges and cooperative responses”, Prof. Matthew Morton,
Marshall Center
* together with the IASD course
participants continues.
* the alumni are welcome to stay for the
afternoon program.
I riferimenti per il Marschall center sono i seguenti
Mr. Randy Karpinen
Alumni Programs
Tel: +49 8821 750 2112
Per contatti ulteriori: ( Ufficio di Segretari. Cesare Ciocca
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